Introduction of Blog Commenting
Blog commenting is a dynamic online practice where individuals engage by leaving their thoughts, opinions, or questions on blog posts. This interactive exchange enriches the digital conversation, providing bloggers with valuable insights while helping readers clarify doubts and deepen their understanding of the subject matter. Beyond enhancing discussions, comments can boost the visibility and credibility of a blog, as active dialogues often attract more traffic and create a vibrant sense of community. Quality comments that offer constructive feedback or thoughtful perspectives can foster strong connections between bloggers and their audience, encouraging repeat visits and loyalty. In essence, blog commenting cultivates an inclusive ecosystem that thrives on shared knowledge and diverse viewpoints, making it indispensable for building relationships, exchanging ideas, and bolstering online presence. Whether seeking advice, validation, or a sense of camaraderie, blog commenting remains a cornerstone of a lively and engaging digital dialogue.
Contents Overview
- What are Blog Commenting Sites?
- Why do we need Blog Commenting Sites and how does it matter in SEO?
- How to create an account on Blog Commenting Sites?
- Blog Commenting Sites List
- Advantages of Blog Commenting Sites
- Disadvantages of Blog Commenting Sites
- Types of Blog Commenting Sites
- FAQs
- Conclusion
What are Blog Commenting Sites?
Blog commenting sites are online platforms where individuals can interact with blog posts by leaving comments, engaging in discussions, and sharing their perspectives. They serve as hubs for content enthusiasts to exchange ideas, offer feedback, or ask questions, helping bloggers and readers build a vibrant, interactive community. These sites often include a range of blogs across diverse topics like technology, lifestyle, health, and finance, making them suitable for varied interests.
Visitors can engage with blog posts to offer support, insights, or debate, creating a valuable dialogue. For bloggers, such comments enhance their site's visibility, potentially driving more traffic and improving search engine rankings. They also receive feedback on their content, which can be used for refining future posts. Additionally, blog commenting sites are crucial for networking opportunities, allowing bloggers to connect with like-minded writers and readers. Overall, these platforms play a pivotal role in enriching the digital content landscape.
Why do we need Blog Commenting Sites and how does it matter in SEO?
Blog commenting sites are vital because they foster online engagement, networking, and community building. They allow readers to share their insights, feedback, and questions, creating a lively dialogue that enhances the reader experience and supports bloggers in refining their content. The interactive environment provided by these sites helps establish relationships among bloggers and their audience, encouraging return visits and loyalty.
In terms of SEO, blog commenting sites significantly impact search engine rankings. Here’s how:
- Backlink Generation: Thoughtful comments on other blogs with relevant links can generate valuable backlinks, enhancing the visibility and authority of the linked site.
- Keyword Usage: Comments often contain relevant keywords, signaling to search engines that the blog post is active and relevant to particular search queries.
- Traffic Increase: Insightful comments can attract interested readers to explore the commenter’s own blog, increasing traffic.
- Content Freshness: Regular comments keep a blog's content fresh, which search engines value.
How to create an account on Blog Commenting Sites?
Creating an account on blog commenting sites generally follows these steps:
- Choose a blog commenting site you want to join. Many bloggers use platforms like Disqus, WordPress, or Blogger, while some blogs have their own built-in commenting systems.
- Look for a "Sign Up" or "Register" option, usually located near the comment section or on the homepage.
- Fill in your name, email address, and create a username and password. Some platforms may also ask for additional details like a profile picture or website link.
- Some sites will send a verification link to your email. Click this link to confirm your identity and activate the account.
- Add a profile picture, bio, or link to your blog or social media to personalize your presence.
- Find a blog post to read and share your thoughts or questions.
Blog Commenting Sites List
Sr.No | Blog Commenting Sites List |
1 | allbloggingtips.com |
2 | alltop.com |
3 | alwayswellwithin.com |
4 | androiddelta.com |
5 | angelamccall.com |
6 | another-blogger.com |
7 | barbaracharles.org |
8 | basicblogtips.com |
9 | beamoneyblogger.com |
10 | beerbloggersconference.org |
11 | beginatzero.com |
12 | blogelina.com |
13 | bloggergo.com |
14 | bloggingwhiz.com |
15 | bloggingwithoutablog.com |
16 | blogstash.com |
17 | blogville.us |
18 | blondish.net |
19 | bluehatseo.com |
20 | businessgross.com |
21 | canberratimes.com.au |
22 | cybernaira.com |
23 | dailytekk.com |
24 | damayanthijayasinghe.com |
25 | dearblogger.org |
26 | deardrfreelance.com |
27 | democratherald.com |
28 | digitalvani.com |
29 | directory.blogaz.net |
30 | divinecopywriter.com |
31 | dmiracle.com |
32 | donnamerrilltribe.com |
33 | emoneymarketing.com |
34 | empowermentmomentsblog.com |
35 | enstinemuki.com |
36 | famousbloggers.net |
37 | findtheluv.com |
38 | freebloghelp.com |
39 | fuelmyblog.com |
40 | geekfellows.com |
41 | globeofblogs.com |
42 | gradmoneymatters.com |
43 | grassrootsinternetstrategy.com.au |
44 | grovetimes.com |
45 | growmap.com |
46 | happybloggerplaza.com |
47 | heiseidemocracy.com |
48 | helenair.com |
49 | host.madison.com |
50 | hownottoraiseaserialkiller.com |
51 | interactiondesign.sva.edu |
52 | iphone6update.com |
53 | journalstar.com |
54 | joyhealey.com |
55 | just-ask-kim.com |
56 | justcreative.com |
57 | justinrlevy.com |
58 | kabenlah.com |
59 | kaiserthesage.com |
60 | kikolani.com |
61 | links.org.au |
62 | madlemmings.com |
63 | missoulian.com |
64 | monetizeblogging.com |
65 | movabletype.org |
66 | mtstandard.com |
67 | mybloggingideas.com |
68 | newcritics.com |
69 | notopoverty.com |
70 | onenaijablog.com |
71 | passivepanda.com |
72 | paulguzmanblog.com |
73 | performinsider.com |
74 | poststar.com |
75 | rebekahradice.com |
76 | revellian.com |
77 | richpotpourri.com |
78 | robertwdempsey.com |
79 | santamariatimes.com |
80 | savvy-writer.com |
81 | seo-hacker.com |
82 | seotechyworld.com |
83 | shobhaponnappa.com |
84 | simplifytechnologyblog.com |
85 | siouxcityjournal.com |
86 | slymarketing.com |
87 | smartmarketerz.com |
88 | socialtimes.com |
89 | stopdropandblog.com |
90 | superbloggingtips.com |
91 | teachgoodstuff.com |
92 | thefutureisred.com |
93 | thepodcastersstudio.com |
94 | trueinventor.org |
95 | unbounce.com |
96 | w3blog.dk |
97 | wassupblog.com |
98 | weblogbetter.com |
99 | weblogtoolscollection.com |
100 | wordingwell.com |
101 | wpslideshowplugin.com |
102 | 3ptechies.com |
103 | abovealloffers.com |
104 | adriennesmith.net |
105 | aha-now.com |
106 | amfastech.com |
107 | animhut.com |
108 | annieandre.com |
109 | articpost.com |
110 | awesomebloggers.com |
111 | becomeablogger.com |
112 | benspark.com |
113 | besttipsforblogging.com |
114 | bizchickblogs.com |
115 | bizsuccessguide.com |
116 | blog-directory.org |
117 | blog.brsoftech.com |
118 | blogclarity.com |
119 | blogdir.co.uk |
120 | blogdirectory.ws |
121 | blogengage.com |
122 | blogflux.com |
123 | blogfolders.com |
124 | bloggersideas.com |
125 | blogging-techies.com |
126 | bloggingcage.com |
127 | bloggingtips.com |
128 | bloggingways.net |
129 | bloggingwizard.com |
130 | bloggitips.com |
131 | bloggodown.com |
132 | bloghints.com |
133 | blogorama.com |
134 | blogpreneurs.com |
135 | blogtap.net |
136 | blogtoplist.com |
137 | blogtrafficexchange.com |
138 | blogtrepreneur.com |
139 | blogussion.com |
140 | boxertechnology.info |
141 | brainymarketer.com |
142 | britblog.com |
143 | caricatures.org.uk |
144 | communityspark.com |
145 | comptalks.com |
146 | copyblogger.com |
147 | cravingtech.com |
148 | currybet.net |
149 | daddydewberry.com |
150 | dailyblogtips.com |
151 | dailymorningcoffee.com |
152 | dollarsblog.com |
153 | effectivebusinessideas.com |
154 | enchantingmarketing.com |
155 | entrepreneurs-journey.com |
156 | epreneur.tv |
157 | estellaeffects.com |
158 | ewebtip.com |
159 | exceptnothing.com |
160 | exeideas.com |
161 | ez-onlinemoney.com |
162 | fatfightertv.com |
163 | finweb.com |
164 | gazettetimes.com |
165 | geekblogtips.com |
166 | grokdotcom.com |
167 | hanfordsentinel.com |
168 | heraldextra.com |
169 | intenseblog.com |
170 | itechcode.com |
171 | japantoday.com |
172 | jiscdigitalmedia.ac.uk |
173 | johnchow.com |
174 | kaarinadillabough.com |
175 | keepinspiring.me |
176 | kinbloggers.com |
177 | kongtechnology.com |
178 | lisathomsonlive.com |
179 | mackcollier.com |
180 | magemojo.com |
181 | makemenoise.com |
182 | mediacrayon.com |
183 | meetup.com |
184 | mydailylifetips.com |
185 | myrecycledbags.com |
186 | onlyloudest.com |
187 | papablogger.org |
188 | peramburkumar.com |
189 | pmpnews.com |
190 | pqinternet.com |
191 | problogger.net |
192 | probloggingsuccess.com |
193 | prowpblogger.com |
194 | publishwithprasen.com |
195 | quickonlinetips.com |
196 | quicksprout.com |
197 | reachoutsid.com |
198 | searchengineacademy.com |
199 | searchenginejournal.com |
200 | searchenginepeople.com |
201 | segenma.com |
202 | seoaddicted.com |
203 | seoallrounder.com |
204 | seobythesea.com |
205 | seowizz.net |
206 | shadeofinfo.com |
207 | shalusharma.com |
208 | shermansmithblog.com |
209 | shoutmeloud.com |
210 | smartbloggerz.com |
211 | smh.com.au |
212 | sproutworth.com |
213 | stayonsearch.com |
214 | steamfeed.com |
215 | successfulblogging.com |
216 | sylvianenuccio.com |
217 | techatlast.com |
218 | techblogng.com |
219 | techdesighn.com |
220 | techehow.com |
221 | techferb.com |
222 | techglows.com |
223 | techgyd.com |
224 | techlug.com |
225 | techrez.com |
226 | techtricksworld.com |
227 | tekkaus.com |
228 | theadventurouswriter.com |
229 | theage.com.au |
230 | thebadblogger.com |
231 | theemotionmachine.com |
232 | thevirtualasst.com |
233 | tomfanelli.com |
234 | trafficgenerationcafe.com |
235 | uwesu.org |
236 | viralblogtips.com |
237 | webgnomes.org |
238 | websiteandtechnology.com |
239 | webuildyourblog.com |
240 | whoismikehobbs.com |
241 | widerfunnel.com |
242 | wiscnews.com |
243 | wonderoftech.com |
244 | worldofwanderlust.com |
245 | writingthoughts.com |
246 | zerodollartips.com |
247 | blog.kissmetrics.com |
248 | growthhackers.com |
249 | pingler.com |
250 | guestcrew.com |
251 | tripit.com |
252 | tycoonblogger.com |
253 | issuu.com |
254 | xing.com |
255 | blogger.com |
256 | my.telegraph.co.uk |
257 | Movavletype.org |
258 | ehow.com |
259 | 2checkout.com |
260 | 30boxes.com |
261 | zillow.com |
262 | comedycentral.com |
263 | codeproject.com |
264 | mrqe.com |
265 | redstate.com |
266 | javaworld.com |
267 | blogmofuse.com |
268 | globeofblog.com |
269 | btemplates.com |
270 | comluv.com |
271 | midasoracle.com |
272 | forthelose.org |
273 | blog.ruski.co.za |
274 | britbog.com |
275 | carrybet.net |
276 | kathyblogger.com |
277 | windowstalk.org |
278 | kimwoodbridge.com |
279 | ariwriter.com |
280 | dofollow.info |
281 | skyhitblog.com |
282 | howtospoter.com |
283 | socialable.co.uk |
284 | warriorforum.com |
285 | allblogingtips.com |
286 | seo-hackers.com |
287 | seotops.com |
288 | technoupdates.org |
289 | extremejohn.com |
290 | youdofollow.com |
291 | johncow.com |
292 | 3arn.net |
293 | webgnomes.com |
294 | gas2.org |
295 | maxblogtips.com |
296 | techgau.org |
297 | wassupbog.com |
298 | oddblogger.com |
299 | 9to5blogger.com |
300 | thinkspin.com |
301 | ehowportal.com |
302 | anotherblogger.com |
303 | alexwhalley.com |
304 | seommotips.com |
305 | tsksoft.com |
306 | themallblog.com |
307 | zebida.com |
308 | dollarsperday.net |
309 | awesomeboggers.com |
310 | seventoten.com |
311 | bloggingfor.info |
312 | wpcypher.com |
313 | guideandnews.com |
314 | readmeloud.com |
315 | technoupdates.com |
316 | batterbloggingways.com |
317 | tech4world.net |
318 | 2startblog.com |
319 | probloggertips.com |
320 | bloggingwp.com |
321 | 123infoworld.com |
322 | thegiftsquru.com |
323 | Backlinko.com |
324 | bighow.com |
325 | blog.woorank.com |
326 | http:asmarterplanet.com |
327 | blogs.lainformacion.com |
328 | liveunchained.com |
329 | sitepronews.com |
330 | bbox.ch |
331 | cto.com |
332 | fastclemmy.com |
333 | getenglishlessons.com |
334 | greenfireislands.com |
335 | jackferraiolo.com |
336 | mchenryprinting.com |
337 | mlovdc.org |
338 | moneywisepastor.com |
339 | myballard.com |
340 | okdork.com |
341 | noupe.com |
342 | blog-ja.sideci.com |
343 | futureofgadgets.com |
344 | scenarioland.com |
345 | chrisandnaomi.hathawayhome.net |
346 | i-a-i.com |
347 | movebg.com |
348 | optimizedautomation.com |
349 | pop-rock.com |
350 | tedxdelft.triqle.eu |
351 | jammit.com |
352 | theenergyroadmap.com |
353 | runmuzik.fr |
354 | teenanalyst.com |
355 | thegrovela.comblog |
356 | chess4change.org |
357 | drupal.kurthanson.com |
358 | holytrinitystjude.shawwebspace.cablog |
359 | lamaisonducomedien.fr |
360 | acentofante.com |
361 | apracanada.ca |
362 | artitude.eu |
363 | elotus.org |
364 | hospitalet.jsc.cat |
365 | savannahtribune.com |
366 | craenkenup-clan.com |
367 | resstar.ru |
368 | krascirk.ru |
369 | blog.oicweb.com |
370 | thehobbyhub.com |
371 | waterenergy.com.ua |
372 | sspistola.altervista.org |
373 | amighidesanpiero.altervista.org |
374 | detikdaily.net |
375 | temesis.com |
376 | reents-immobilien.de |
377 | cralbuitoni.altervista.org |
378 | oovrag.comguestbook |
379 | trasparenza.regione.calabria.it |
380 | amighidesanpiero.altervista.orgindex.php |
381 | centrosportivoab.it |
382 | littleremedies.com |
383 | elmantodejesus.com |
384 | kioso.de |
385 | vivalma.com |
386 | auto-kluckner.at |
387 | nyff.net |
388 | goyalcolourlab.com |
389 | navegandoxlared.es |
390 | photos.aduski.info |
391 | quiltshopsbythebook.com |
392 | salonetoday.com |
393 | spacifique.com |
394 | mitubirifdp.org |
395 | blog.cognitivedissidents.com |
396 | maximerenault.com |
397 | creditcardsmarts.org |
398 | anotherlevelofpraize.com |
399 | boknes.net |
400 | nearwen.com |
401 | berryvillesquare.com |
402 | blog.celingest.com |
403 | Arabesqpub.com |
404 | supremohosting.com |
405 | anytimemoonwalks.com |
406 | eixsys.org |
407 | tasintecnostrade.com |
408 | muzicprizm.com |
409 | gtheatingltd.co.uk |
410 | borgansacre.com |
411 | tonjawalkeronline.com |
412 | earthshrine.com |
413 | indianarestoration.com |
414 | ootonline.com |
415 | neu.marktkapelle.info |
416 | hobbyazart.com |
417 | iderable.com |
418 | alhoush.comforums |
419 | gamefroot.com |
420 | blog.wafou.fr |
421 | catonmat.net |
422 | freeadscanada.com |
423 | seo-supports.blogspot.com |
424 | madhuriseo.blogspot.com |
425 | nairaland.com |
426 | cosamimetto.net |
427 | chegg.com |
428 | plumbingandheatingforum.co.uk |
429 | bitsorchestra.com |
430 | krystalmann.comblog |
431 | thatfamilyblog.com |
432 | debbiespantry.com |
433 | seoandsmmblogging.blogspot.com |
434 | velvetbytes.com |
435 | techyeh.com |
436 | unlockdemocracy.ca |
437 | amberreneephotography.com |
438 | segrestfarms.com |
439 | lolart.netblog |
440 | moderncleaning.com |
441 | your-study-abroad.com |
442 | legacy.thenotebook.org |
443 | shutterstock.com |
444 | blogs.forrester.com |
445 | elitedigitalgroup.com |
446 | ecell.inblog |
447 | launchdigitalmarketing.com |
448 | neotrade.co |
449 | pressofatlanticcity.com |
450 | moreleadsandcustomers.com |
451 | fyre.com |
452 | purevolume.com |
453 | laquinta.storeboard.com |
454 | indyarocks.comblog |
455 | markinblog.com |
456 | 9clouds.comblog |
457 | paradym.com |
458 | link-assistant.com |
459 | blazedigital.com.au |
460 | videocommerce.com |
461 | semrush.com |
462 | bloggerhub.org |
463 | opencart.com |
464 | cyber2hack.com |
465 | postcron.comenblog |
466 | zyxware.com |
467 | econsultancy.comblog |
468 | pagemodo.comblog |
469 | seowebsiteblog.com |
470 | seoeffect.comblog-en |
471 | semrush.comblog |
472 | cubiq.orgclean-up-and-optimize-wordpress |
473 | akademiapanakleksa.net |
474 | across.digitalusefulness-a-digital |
475 | guestbloggingsite.net |
476 | allinoneblog.net |
477 | crowdcontent.comblog |
478 | netimperative.com |
479 | codeforces.comblog |
480 | speakingtree.inblog |
481 | enterprisestech.com |
482 | clubwealth.com |
483 | popdust.com |
484 | onefdh.comblog |
485 | makeupobsessedmom.com |
486 | justintarte.com |
487 | edutopia.org |
488 | college.usatoday.com |
489 | eschoolnews.com |
490 | farotech.comblog |
491 | bookmorebrides.com |
492 | microisvjournal.wordpress.com |
493 | nopassiveincome.com |
494 | liqui-site.com |
495 | hackread.com |
496 | savorthesuccess.com |
497 | blogaid.net |
498 | techntick.com |
499 | c3cebu.com |
500 | employeespk.com |
501 | makemoneyonlinebuzz.com |
502 | amhmagazine.com |
503 | jinzhaiggh.com |
504 | buynow-uk.com |
505 | wpmoneyblog.com |
506 | blog.parcelbright.com |
507 | contentop.comblog |
508 | topseoexportss.ga |
509 | thedailywtf.com |
510 | marvelousdesigner.com |
511 | ytpak.com |
512 | dinknetwork.com |
513 | gsmarena.com |
514 | jeelanisofi.blogspot.com |
515 | allsoftwares1000.blogspot.com |
516 | bestdownloadhere.blogspot.com |
517 | paleogirlskitchen.com |
518 | blogpros.com |
519 | techbadoo.com |
520 | economist.com |
521 | moneycactus.com |
522 | compressmoney.blogspot.com |
523 | community.replicon.com |
524 | seoclerk.com |
525 | freevpnsdownload.com |
526 | lovelash.in |
527 | boomindya.blogspot.com |
528 | seo-addictive.blogspot.com |
529 | smallsseotools.blogspot.com |
530 | text-marketing.blogspot.com |
531 | crowds2crowds.blogspot.com |
532 | museum-madness.blogspot.com |
533 | getfreeblogsiteslist.blogspot.com |
534 | freelancerorientationexamanswers.blogspot.com |
535 | pareshnpanda.blogspot.com |
536 | coolecleaners.com |
537 | blog.getresponse.com |
538 | findnerd.com |
539 | 13-ten.com |
540 | vendasta.com |
541 | agorapulse.com |
542 | lewishowes.com |
543 | guerrillaonline.com |
544 | margokelly.net |
545 | esds.co.in |
546 | crowdcontent.com |
547 | senseimarketing.com |
548 | ubernerdz.com |
549 | socialwithit.com |
550 | writtent.com |
551 | launchastartup.com |
552 | perth.rayofshadow.com |
553 | syncetech.com |
554 | startwithclick.com |
555 | ronline.com |
556 | theupperranks.com |
557 | linkdex.com |
558 | matthewbarby.com |
559 | introflare.com |
560 | impressivewebs.com |
561 | turnkeylinux.org |
562 | plrstreet.blogspot.com |
563 | seoground.in |
564 | bobwp.com |
565 | blogherald.com |
566 | bloggerspassion.com |
567 | eatwriteteach.com |
568 | educationdivas.com |
569 | univassistblog.com |
570 | genderpopculture.blogspot.com |
571 | learningscientists.org |
572 | connectedprincipals.com |
573 | socialmediaexplorer.com |
574 | nomadicsamuel.com |
575 | tripswithtykes.com |
576 | atravellersjourney.com |
577 | youngadventuress.com |
578 | daivarepeckaite.com |
579 | shorttraveltips.com |
580 | thebenderbunch.com |
581 | techsavvyed.net |
582 | epicurivegan.blogspot.com |
583 | politico.com |
584 | pamshouseblend.com |
585 | javaworld.comcommunit |
586 | seomoz.orgblog |
587 | blog.photography.si.edu |
588 | schoolofeverything.com |
589 | engineering.curiouscatblog.net |
590 | today match predictions |
591 | communicatevalue.com |
592 | azblogtips.com |
593 | pixelheadonline.comblog |
594 | laughoutlouddogs.com |
595 | memwg.com |
596 | yeahiloveit.com |
597 | fatladysingz.com |
598 | jakeldaily.com |
599 | scribblesnscraps.com |
600 | tallfreak.com |
601 | lifeintherough.com |
602 | suzannesaysblog.com |
603 | layercake.net |
604 | spendingabillion.com |
605 | almerimarlife.com |
606 | altitistreehuggers.info |
607 | bethanyactually.com |
608 | blogepicedits.com |
609 | dorannes.com |
610 | jasonpenney.net |
611 | dougalgunters.orgblog |
612 | learningcurvecoaching.com |
613 | pureblogging.com |
614 | alistseo.com |
615 | blackwaterblog.com |
616 | blueverse.com |
617 | bookmarkbliss.com |
618 | sueblimely.com |
619 | abstractcollectiveblogspot.com |
620 | keralaroom.com |
621 | lighteningsblogworld.com |
622 | catswhocode.comblog |
623 | imbloggingthat.com |
624 | slyvisions.com |
625 | quality.netdesign.com |
626 | phil.comwpblog |
627 | newhomessection.comblog |
628 | middlezonemusings.com |
629 | .netevolutioncoukblog |
630 | melissamularski.com |
631 | webtrafficroi.com |
632 | finecoastalliving.comblog |
633 | kilheeny.com |
634 | countrykitchenpantry.com |
635 | adryblog.net |
636 | bigfootwebmarketing.com |
637 | vmasti.com |
638 | redstaplerchronicles.com |
639 | tekkim.info |
640 | inter.netmarketeen.com |
641 | ineeddiscipline.com |
642 | blogmonkeyprofit.com |
643 | creditscoreinsight.com |
644 | wordpressmax.com |
645 | markwilsoncoukblog |
646 | afterlightmb.com |
647 | simplerandomness.com |
648 | ericsocia.net |
649 | seopedia.orgi |
650 | lcdlove.com |
651 | chrishoyt.com |
652 | brilliantcheerscouk |
653 | crayonwriter.com |
654 | advertisingforsuccessblogspot.com |
655 | lillieammann.com |
656 | zr.net |
657 | e.commtips.com |
658 | lifeinthefastlaneca |
659 | simplekindoflife.com |
660 | selfhypnosisprogram.com |
661 | brazencareerist.com |
662 | lastblogger.com |
663 | gotravellerblogspot.com |
664 | stkohsamui.comblog |
665 | apmid.org |
666 | myimagehost.comblog |
667 | asseenonthetube.com |
668 | myecoaction.com |
669 | getadviced.com |
670 | engadgeteer.com |
671 | atxgraffiti.com |
672 | pokerbankrollblog.com |
673 | greenstoreandmore.com |
674 | notguru.com |
675 | njrealestateagent.com |
676 | leecolbrancouk |
677 | handanalysisonline.com |
678 | theblogabouteverything.com |
679 | extracashsystems.com |
680 | untwistedvortex.com |
681 | screwyougoogle.com |
682 | retirerichroadmap.com |
683 | affiliatefunnelsecrets.com |
684 | toysandgameschattercou |
685 | jackhumphrey.com |
686 | smallbizideas.netblog |
687 | jackzufelt.com |
688 | zaldydalisay.com |
689 | imnicheformulasecrets.com |
690 | timgary.com |
691 | technewsline.net |
692 | effortlesshr.comblog |
693 | stevediamondconsulting.com |
694 | spiritualpreneurs.comi |
695 | kiwibloke.org |
696 | nerdydork.com |
697 | rccarshobby.com |
698 | findportablesolarpower.comsavemoney |
699 | wordcatcouk |
700 | xatal.com |
701 | iwannabuyacamera.com |
702 | smallwebsitehost.com |
703 | limeshot.com |
704 | tomglenncouk |
705 | tampafloridarealestateblog.com |
706 | theviralsanctuary.com |
707 | tucsonseosolutions.com |
708 | lemonarian.com |
709 | userworthy.com |
710 | randomproxycoukblog |
711 | dailyscrewups.com |
712 | blogfreeiphonemecouk |
713 | nobogies.com |
714 | lissowerbutts.com |
715 | thalesdot.com.com |
716 | itrepreneur.com |
717 | retirerichroadmap.comblog |
718 | realscottsdaleliving.comi |
719 | vagrowth.comblog |
720 | goodmillwork.com |
721 | smartergoalsettingfirstfor.info.com |
722 | seosecretstravel.com |
723 | alltravelsites.com |
724 | execgiftsblog.com |
725 | eurekatips.com |
726 | rakebacktakeback.com |
727 | mywebtronics.com |
728 | readknow.com |
729 | seotrafficguidede |
730 | theramblingcanuck.com |
731 | timbrydges.com |
732 | potpolitics.com |
733 | thejimgaudet.com |
734 | mattmcguire.com |
735 | nicolasprudhon.com |
736 | e.compeak.com |
737 | andrewdaum.com |
738 | seanoelkers.com |
739 | ezyas.com |
740 | inspiritblog.com |
741 | followlist.com |
742 | digitalkeyto.infogeneralrem |
743 | thein.cometeam.comblog |
744 | milliondollar.commissions.com |
745 | hospitalera.com |
746 | toastmastersinaustin.info |
747 | healthycocktail.com |
748 | aibal.com |
749 | yournaturalwellness.com |
750 | tomglenn.co.uk |
751 | mindmart.com |
752 | costpernews.com |
753 | blumenthals.comblog |
754 | staygolinks.com |
755 | seowriter.comblog |
756 | makeyougohmm.com |
757 | justaddwater.dk |
758 | twentysteps.com |
759 | blogjer.com |
760 | nthambazale.com |
761 | smartblogtips.com |
762 | jowki.com |
763 | seoexpertmarketing.blogspot.com |
764 | blogs.findermaster.com |
765 | article.advertiseera.com |
766 | blog.giganticlist.com |
767 | articles.h1ad.com |
768 | story.wallclassifieds.com |
769 | article.classifiedsfactor.com |
770 | bloggersroad.com |
771 | https://blog.shopolop.com |
772 | https://blog.freeadstime.org |
773 | ologames.com |
774 | howcube.com |
775 | compellingadverts.com |
776 | britishdeveloper.co.uk |
777 | ytngroup.com |
778 | asmak9.com |
779 | blog.curryprinting.com |
780 | greysquall.com |
781 | 24xhtml.com |
782 | gettingtoexcellent.com |
783 | monids.org |
784 | blog.sodhanalibrary.com |
785 | digithow.com |
786 | internetmarketing-art.com |
787 | techjunkieblog.com |
788 | affiliatejobpro.com |
789 | way2testing.com |
790 | techsambad.com |
791 | fdatacenter.com |
792 | fcnepal.com |
793 | newsything.com |
794 | howzto.com |
795 | marketingnetworkblog.com |
796 | smallseotools.download |
797 | bloggerdev.com |
798 | webtechserve.com |
799 | digitalmarketingmax.com |
800 | tutorialpad.com |
801 | techlistic.com |
802 | techtradeasia.com |
803 | blogs.rethinkingweb.com |
804 | programmerfect.com |
805 | bloggersworlds.com |
806 | carnaghan.com |
807 | blogs.adobe.com |
808 | hostgator.com |
809 | seoblog.com |
810 | elegantthemes.com |
811 | neilpatel.com |
812 | moz.com |
813 | yoast.com |
814 | blog.internshala.com |
815 | onemileatatime.boardingarea.com |
816 | slidescarnival.com |
817 | bufferapp.com |
818 | blog.typeracer.com |
819 | managewp.com |
820 | visual.ly |
821 | fashionista.com |
822 | manrepeller.com |
823 | gca.blogs.ie.edu |
824 | gofugyourself.com |
825 | nomadicmatt.com |
826 | smartpassiveincome.com |
827 | cmsprod.fhsu.edu |
828 | wpthemedetector.com |
829 | sistrix.com |
830 | improvephotography.com |
831 | nichehacks.com |
832 | smartblogger.com |
833 | firstsiteguide.com |
834 | buildfire.com |
835 | thebrokebackpacker.com |
836 | empireflippers.com |
837 | matthewwoodward.co.uk |
838 | migrationology.com |
839 | blog.smude.edu.in |
840 | seroundtable.com |
841 | trak.in |
842 | expertvagabond.com |
843 | unamo.com |
844 | thesartorialist.com |
845 | vandelaydesign.com |
846 | thesavvybackpacker.com |
847 | ninjaoutreach.com |
848 | handluggageonly.co.uk |
849 | reliablesoft.net |
850 | galmeetsglam.com |
851 | hostdime.com |
852 | blogarama.com |
853 | brainstormforce.com |
854 | thewritelife.com |
855 | wptavern.com |
856 | extrapetite.com |
857 | onlinemediamasters.com |
858 | competethemes.com |
859 | afteroffers.com |
860 | theplanetd.com |
861 | bloggertipstricks.com |
862 | Cognitiveseo.com |
863 | theblondeabroad.com |
864 | wpmayor.com |
865 | internetmarketingninjas.com |
866 | portent.com |
867 | hippie-inheels.com |
868 | travelblog.org |
869 | myquickidea.com |
870 | goatsontheroad.com |
871 | yogaworks.com |
872 | mondovo.com |
873 | gotchseo.com |
874 | johnnyjet.com |
875 | seo.com |
876 | bucketlistjourney.net |
877 | woorkup.com |
878 | digitalseoguide.com |
879 | expresswriters.com |
880 | thepoortraveler.net |
881 | localadventurer.com |
882 | zepo.in |
883 | bloggingbasics101.com |
884 | amylynnandrews.com |
885 | linkresearchtools.com |
886 | socialtriggers.com |
887 | eternia.xooit.com |
888 | ngdata.com |
889 | styleyoursenses.com |
890 | marketingcharts.com |
891 | indietraveller.co |
892 | worldblaze.in |
893 | bruceclay.com |
894 | technumero.com |
895 | nerdnomads.com |
896 | toprankblog.com |
897 | bemytravelmuse.com |
898 | maximizesocialbusiness.com |
899 | cloudliving.com |
900 | techwyse.com |
901 | californiathroughmylens.com |
902 | ryanholiday.net |
903 | techindroid.com |
904 | Authorityhacker.com |
905 | travelcodex.com |
906 | busybudgeter.com |
907 | blog.v7n.com |
908 | theblondesalad.com |
909 | itechfever.com |
910 | rapidboostmarketing.com |
911 | iamaileen.com |
912 | chasingthedonkey.com |
913 | songofstyle.com |
914 | adventurouskate.com |
915 | joaoleitao.com |
916 | online-metrics.com |
917 | aspengrovestudios.com |
918 | seosagar.com |
919 | wpeka.com |
920 | trafficcrow.com |
921 | businessesgrow.com |
922 | socialbeat.in |
923 | everything-everywhere.com |
924 | dangerous-business.com |
925 | toeuropeandbeyond.com |
926 | sparringmind.com |
927 | stonetemple.com |
928 | latestseotutorial.com |
929 | techjeny.org |
930 | pointswithacrew.com |
931 | komarketing.com |
932 | seoclarity.net |
933 | lilachbullock.com |
934 | wheressharon.com |
935 | devilonwheels.com |
936 | bloggingscoops.com |
937 | blog.weekendthrill.com |
938 | digilearnings.com |
939 | trickyenough.com |
940 | iftiseo.com |
941 | hightechbuzz.net |
942 | seofreetips.net |
943 | cheapestdestinationsblog.com |
944 | premiumwp.com |
945 | branded3.com |
946 | bitsofpositivity.com |
947 | the-atlantic-pacific.com |
948 | aluxurytravelblog.com |
949 | southcurlsandpearls.com |
950 | 85ideas.com |
951 | ourawesomeplanet.com |
952 | ivetriedthat.com |
953 | travelmamas.com |
954 | gobloggingtips.com |
955 | shoemoney.com |
956 | outoftownblog.com |
957 | 3boysandadog.com |
958 | travelsofadam.com |
959 | ashiktricks.com |
960 | digitalgyd.com |
961 | poweraffiliateclub.com |
962 | the-shooting-star.com |
963 | uxwebexperts.com |
964 | wendyslookbook.com |
965 | logodesignteam.com |
966 | pinoyadventurista.com |
967 | thegoldengirlblog.com |
968 | searchcommander.com |
969 | travelwithbender.com |
970 | heartifb.com |
971 | 9to5chic.com |
972 | indiatravelblog.com |
973 | hellofashionblog.com |
974 | we3travel.com |
975 | wpnewsify.com |
976 | techclient.com |
977 | internetmarketinggym.com |
978 | zizics.com |
979 | tipsforfamilytrips.com |
980 | girlwithcurves.com |
981 | solutionfall.com |
982 | stemjar.com |
983 | kendieveryday.com |
984 | stylebubble.co.uk |
985 | vuelio.com |
986 | malleeblue.com |
987 | the-frugality.com |
988 | thevivaluxury.com |
989 | inditales.com |
990 | rustyblogger.com |
991 | igniteengineers.com |
992 | thetravelsisters.com |
993 | wpsitecare.com |
994 | updateland.com |
995 | performancing.com |
996 | brooklynblonde.com |
997 | becauseimaddicted.net |
998 | notjessfashion.com |
999 | bloggingfromparadise.com |
1000 | sincerelyjules.com |
Sr.No | Blog Commenting Sites List |
1001 | thelongestwayhome.com |
1002 | fashionmenow.co.uk |
1003 | feedster.com |
1004 | lakshmisharath.com |
1005 | technically-speaking.org |
1006 | techykeeday.com |
1007 | robcalhoun.com |
1008 | robert-corrigan.com |
1009 | getinternetmarketingstrategies.com |
1010 | peterbeckenham.com |
1011 | elnacain.com |
1012 | aliciarades.com |
1013 | mlm-gamechangers.com |
1014 | yourpfpro.com |
1015 | qcblogging.com |
1016 | netotraffic.com |
1017 | livingwithbeth.com |
1018 | janesheeba.com |
1019 | pensitdown.com |
1020 | internetmarketingblog101.com |
1021 | marketingourpractices.com |
1022 | moneygossips.com |
1023 | alltechtrix.com |
1024 | lawmacs.com |
1025 | bloggingwithgypsy.com |
1026 | robinjemdon.com |
1027 | mostlyblogging.com |
1028 | creativebloggers.net |
1029 | techcloud.in |
1030 | techlinu.com |
1031 | successcoach.chery-schmidt.ws |
1032 | digitaldimensions4u.com |
1033 | namanboard.com |
1034 | farsideof55.com |
1035 | mgibbins.co.uk |
1036 | minucaelena.com |
1037 | workfromyourhome101.com |
1038 | deeannrice.com |
1039 | justwebsitetraffic.com |
1040 | bloggingden.com |
1041 | healthfundaa.com |
1042 | bivori.com |
1043 | opportunitybuilding.com |
1044 | seowonderworld.com |
1045 | asolopreneur.com |
1046 | helpstartmysite.com |
1047 | miriamslozberg.com |
1048 | bloggingshout.com |
1049 | pickdigest.com |
1050 | monnaellithorpe.com |
1051 | marketingwithtorsten.com |
1052 | digalittledeeper0.me |
1053 | timothygagnon.com |
1054 | writertown.com |
1055 | ravisinghblog.in |
1056 | infozain.com |
1057 | kimwillis.net |
1058 | bestofguru.net |
1059 | corinnekerston.com |
1060 | makingsenseofcents.com |
1061 | nancybadillo.com |
1062 | techinfoworld.com |
1063 | barrieevans.com |
1064 | davidmerrill101.com |
1065 | leslyfederici.com |
1066 | tigerlilyva.com |
1067 | uncodeseo.com |
1068 | williamotoole.com |
1069 | myblogginghub.com |
1070 | lindasschrier.com |
1071 | gallople.com |
1072 | blogocharge.com |
1073 | curiousblogger.com |
1074 | basicblogtalk.com |
1075 | incomesplash.com |
1076 | blogmean.org |
1077 | marketingofflineonline.net |
1078 | infocounselling.com |
1079 | twentysecrets.com |
1080 | geekandblogger.com |
1081 | techlila.com |
1082 | freakify.com |
1083 | thesitsgirls.com |
1084 | blog.2createawebsite.com |
1085 | productivewriters.com |
1086 | nickstraffictricks.com |
1087 | iblogzone.com |
1088 | quickblogtips.com |
1089 | smallusbflashdrive.com |
1090 | trickstrack.com |
1091 | bloggingjunction.com |
1092 | techblaster.net |
1093 | technshare.com |
1094 | hotblogtips.com |
1095 | moneyearningmethods.net |
1096 | getpaidtowriteonline.com |
1097 | geekdashboard.com |
1098 | webmaster-success.com |
1099 | inspiredtowrite.com |
1100 | techpatio.com |
1101 | zapworld.in |
1102 | technikant.com |
1103 | techchunks.com |
1104 | earningguys.com |
1105 | collegefallout.com |
1106 | crunchynow.com |
1107 | moneyctl.com |
1108 | thenextgoal.com |
1109 | makemoneymax.com |
1110 | webincomejournal.com |
1111 | innovativepassiveincome.com |
1112 | randolfsmith.com |
1113 | learnblogtips.com |
1114 | techclickr.com |
1115 | favouritehobbies.com |
1116 | technobol.com |
1117 | thedroidclub.com |
1118 | tip2tricks.com |
1119 | mymagicmix.com |
1120 | woblogger.com |
1121 | stephanmiller.com |
1122 | doitwithwp.com |
1123 | businessinfoguide.com |
1124 | techbuzzpro.com |
1125 | authorland.net |
1126 | venpop.com |
1127 | blumenthals.com |
1128 | articles.businessinsider.com |
1129 | destinationdiary.org |
1130 | selfmademinds.com |
1131 | tips4pc.com |
1132 | expensespro.com |
1133 | travelbuzzpro.com |
1134 | netchunks.com |
1135 | mywebgal.com |
1136 | beinghealthylifestyle.com |
1137 | technicallyeasy.net |
1138 | sem-group.net |
1139 | itscolumn.com |
1140 | happysteps.net |
1141 | topfinanceblog.com |
1142 | logallot.com |
1143 | imjustsharing.com |
1144 | sociableboost.com |
1145 | ramblingsofawahm.com |
1146 | tentblogger.com |
1147 | enlightenednetworker.com |
1148 | thehappyseeker.com |
1149 | affordable-internet-marketing.com |
1150 | cashwithatrueconscience.com |
1151 | johnpaulaguiar.com |
1152 | wprecipes.com |
1153 | remarkablogger.com |
1154 | affiliatetreasurechest.com |
1155 | rajtilak.net |
1156 | myblog2day.com |
1157 | sharisax.com |
1158 | hypertransitory.com |
1159 | seomkt.com |
1160 | 2012onwards.com |
1161 | profitablenetworker.com |
1162 | online-social-networking.com |
1163 | lindagraceonline.com |
1164 | home-business-team.com |
1165 | punny.org |
1166 | accountantsalaryinfo.com |
1167 | applematters.com |
1168 | blogs.liverpoolecho.co.uk |
1169 | pepperrific.com |
1170 | schlitt.info |
1171 | andymatthews.net |
1172 | win-with-1.com |
1173 | adsenseurdu.com |
1174 | wpmu.org |
1175 | hikingtipsblog.com |
1176 | charitywalksblog.com |
1177 | creativeramblings.com |
1178 | contentmarketingup.com |
1179 | omsh.com |
1180 | localbusinesscoachonline.com |
1181 | fandbfood.com |
1182 | inspiredgiftgiving.com |
1183 | boomercafe.com |
1184 | traditional-foods.com |
1185 | hollyfulfordjef.com |
1186 | eldridgedufauchard.com |
1187 | actasifblog.com |
1188 | letsbuildwebsites.com |
1189 | twistimage.com |
1190 | haacked.com |
1191 | theworkingbee.com |
1192 | commonsensemarketing.net |
1193 | jupiterjimsmarketingteam.com |
1194 | nikkistephens.com |
1195 | tim-bonner.com |
1196 | christinebrady.com |
1197 | pixelheadonline.com |
1198 | howtowakeupearly.com |
1199 | attractionmarketingonline.com |
1200 | jefffaldalen.com |
1201 | juhotunkelo.com |
1202 | sweetsfoods.com |
1203 | visionarynetworkmarketing.com |
1204 | vancesova.com |
1205 | marketing101pro.com |
1206 | mojomedialabs.com |
1207 | themediamix.com |
1208 | mindmulch.net |
1209 | techinitio.com |
1210 | bitdoze.com |
1211 | barry-wells.com |
1212 | allthingspondered.com |
1213 | getvisiblevirtually.com |
1214 | socialwebcafe.com |
1215 | janbierens.com |
1216 | moonpreneur.net |
1217 | monsterpiggybank.com |
1218 | thetechnomag.com |
Advantages of Blog Commenting Sites
Blog commenting sites offer several advantages for both bloggers and readers:
- Enhanced Engagement: They foster interactive dialogue, allowing readers to ask questions, share insights, and provide feedback, thus enriching the conversation.
- Networking Opportunities: Bloggers and readers can connect with each other, creating valuable professional relationships and collaborations.
- Community Building: Regular comments can help build a loyal audience, making readers feel involved and valued.
- Backlink Benefits: Thoughtful comments with relevant links can create backlinks, which enhance the SEO value and visibility of a website.
- Traffic Generation: Insightful comments can attract like-minded readers to your own blog, leading to increased traffic.
- Content Insights: Bloggers gain insights into what their audience wants, helping them tailor future posts to audience interests.
- Authority Building: Active participation in comments helps establish individuals as thought leaders in their field.
- SEO Improvements: Fresh, keyword-rich comments can improve search engine rankings for the blog.
Disadvantages of Blog Commenting Sites
While blog commenting sites offer numerous advantages, there are some potential disadvantages:
- Spam and Irrelevant Comments: Some users leave comments purely to promote their own content or products, which can clutter discussions with irrelevant or low-quality contributions.
- Trolling and Negative Behavior: Comment sections sometimes attract trolls or people who leave inflammatory remarks, creating a hostile environment.
- Moderation Time: Managing and moderating comments can be time-consuming, especially for popular blogs with high traffic.
- Duplicate Content Risks: Repetitive or duplicate comments might harm the SEO of the blog by creating excessive keyword density.
- Link Farming: Some individuals might use comments solely to generate backlinks, which could lead to the blog being flagged by search engines for low-quality linking practices.
- Privacy Concerns: Sharing personal information through comments or login credentials could make users vulnerable to data privacy issues.
- Quality Control: Not all comments add value to the conversation, and distinguishing insightful comments from noise can be challenging.
- Dilution of Main Content: Excessive comments could overshadow the main post or distract readers from the core message.
Types of Blog Commenting Sites
Blog commenting sites can vary based on their platforms and features. Here are the key types:
1. Embedded Commenting Systems:
- WordPress: Offers native commenting features integrated into WordPress blogs.
- Blogger: Has built-in commenting for blogs hosted on Blogger.
2. Third-Party Commenting Platforms:
- Disqus: Popular third-party platform with advanced moderation and social sharing.
- IntenseDebate: Offers in-depth engagement tools, analytics, and social integration.
- Facebook Comments: Allows people to comment using their Facebook profiles, providing social visibility.
3. Social Blogging Sites:
- Medium: Encourages "Responses" instead of traditional comments, supporting long-form discussions.
- Tumblr: Combines comments with reblogging for broader engagement.
4. Q & A-Style Platforms:
- Quora: Allows users to comment on answers, fostering a collaborative question-and-answer community.
- Reddit: Offers discussion threads in a wide range of specialized communities.
5. Review and Feedback Sites:
- G2: Focused on business software and service reviews.
- HubPages: An article-sharing community where comments are used to engage with authors.
6. Community Blogging Platforms:
- LiveJournal: Combines blogging and commenting with social networking features.
- Steemit: Blockchain-based platform rewarding quality comments with cryptocurrency.
1. What are blog commenting sites used for?
Answer : Blog commenting sites are platforms that facilitate discussion and interaction around blog posts, allowing readers to share insights, ask questions, or provide feedback. They enhance engagement and help build a community of loyal readers.
2. How can I find relevant blog commenting sites in my niche?
Answer : You can identify relevant sites by searching with niche-specific keywords, exploring industry forums, or checking competitor blogs. Social media groups and Q&A platforms like Quora can also lead you to suitable sites.
3. How do I leave an effective comment?
Answer : Read the blog post thoroughly, then share thoughtful insights or questions that add value to the discussion. Make sure your comment is relevant, respectful, and aligns with the blog's theme.
4. Is it safe to include a link to my website in comments?
Answer : Yes, if done sparingly and only when relevant to the conversation. Overusing links may be seen as spam, so prioritize value-added content.
5. How do comments impact SEO?
Answer : Comments can enhance SEO by generating relevant backlinks, increasing keyword density, and keeping content fresh. However, spam comments can harm your ranking.
6. Should I moderate comments on my blog?
Answer : Yes, moderation helps maintain quality discussions by filtering out spam, offensive content, or irrelevant remarks, thus creating a welcoming environment.
7. What are common pitfalls to avoid on blog commenting sites?
Answer : Avoid spamming, leaving irrelevant comments, or being overly self-promotional. Additionally, ensure that you respect the blog’s guidelines to foster positive engagement.
Blog commenting sites play a crucial role in the digital ecosystem, fostering vibrant dialogue, building communities, and enriching the user experience. They empower bloggers and readers to share insights, ask questions, and exchange perspectives, ultimately creating a more inclusive and interactive online environment. For bloggers, thoughtful comments help improve SEO through backlink generation, keyword optimization, and increased traffic. Meanwhile, readers benefit from engaging in meaningful conversations, gaining valuable insights, and establishing connections with like-minded individuals. Despite potential challenges like spam or trolling, careful moderation ensures that these platforms remain constructive and welcoming. When used strategically, blog commenting sites can significantly enhance visibility, credibility, and engagement, making them indispensable for anyone seeking to make an impact in the digital world. Ultimately, they serve as essential hubs where ideas are shared, relationships are built, and diverse voices come together.
You might also consider exploring our lists of Profile Creation Sites and Directory Submission Sites to build quality backlinks for your SEO.
Additionally, we've put together a Technical SEO Checklist tailored for SEO professionals, which you might find useful.
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SEO Submission Sites to Boost Your Website Rankings
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"Content is king, but marketing is queen and runs the household." – Gary Vaynerchuk