Introduction of Infographic
The infographic presents a comprehensive overview of a critical topic, showcasing key insights through a visually engaging format. With an aim to inform and educate, the infographic synthesizes complex data into easily digestible visuals, allowing for quick understanding and retention. It employs a combination of charts, graphs, and icons to illustrate the main points, ensuring that the information is both accessible and impactful. The design is meticulously crafted to guide the viewer through a logical flow of information, highlighting the most important aspects and supporting them with relevant data. Each section is color-coded for clarity, making it easy to distinguish between different categories and themes. Whether used for educational purposes, professional presentations, or public awareness, this infographic serves as a valuable tool for conveying essential information effectively. Its user-friendly design ensures that viewers can quickly grasp the core message and take away the key points with ease.
Contents Overview
- What are Infographic Submission Sites?
- Why do we need Infographic Submission Sites and how does it matter in SEO?
- How to create an account on Infographic Submission Sites?
- Infographic Submission Sites List
- Advantages of Infographic Submission Sites
- Disadvantages of Infographic Submission Sites
- Types of Infographic Submission Sites
- FAQs
- Conclusion
What are Infographic Submission Sites?
Infographic submission sites are online platforms where users can upload and share their infographics with a broader audience. These sites serve as a valuable resource for marketers, designers, educators, and businesses looking to increase their visibility and reach. By submitting infographics to these platforms, creators can enhance their SEO, drive traffic to their websites, and gain valuable backlinks.
Infographic submission sites often have a large, engaged user base that appreciates visually appealing and informative content. They provide a centralized location for users to discover, share, and engage with a wide variety of infographics on diverse topics. Some popular infographic submission sites include Visual.ly, Infographic Journal, and Pinterest. These platforms often categorize infographics by topics, making it easier for users to find content relevant to their interests.
Why do we need Infographic Submission Sites and how does it matter in SEO?
Infographic submission sites are crucial for several reasons, particularly in the context of digital marketing and SEO.
Why We Need Infographic Submission Sites
- Increased Visibility: Infographic submission sites provide a platform to showcase visual content to a broader audience. This increased visibility can lead to more engagement and sharing of your content.
- Traffic Generation: By submitting infographics to these sites, you can drive traffic back to your website. Interested viewers often follow links back to the source for more information.
- Brand Awareness: Regularly submitting high-quality infographics helps build and strengthen your brand's presence online. It showcases your expertise and establishes your brand as a valuable resource in your niche.
- Audience Engagement: Visual content is more engaging and easier to digest than text-heavy content. Infographics can effectively capture attention and communicate complex information quickly.
Importance in SEO
- Backlinks: One of the most significant SEO benefits of infographic submission is the generation of backlinks. When other websites link back to your infographic, it signals to search engines that your content is valuable and credible, improving your site's authority and ranking.
- Enhanced Search Rankings:Quality backlinks and increased traffic contribute to better search engine rankings. Search engines recognize the popularity and relevance of your content, potentially boosting your position in search results.
- Keyword Optimization: When submitting infographics, you can include relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags. This helps improve the visibility of your content in search engine results for those specific terms.
- Content Distribution: Infographic submission sites serve as additional platforms for content distribution, ensuring your visual content reaches a wider audience beyond your own website and social media channels.
How to create an account on Infographic Submission Sites?
Creating an account on infographic submission sites is typically straightforward. Here are the general steps you can follow:
- Select an infographic submission site such as Visual.ly, Infographic Journal, or Pinterest.
- Visit the Infographic submission site.
- Look for a “Sign Up,” “Register,” or “Create Account” button, usually located at the top right corner of the homepage.
- Fill in the required fields, which typically include your name, email address, and a password. Some sites may also ask for additional information such as a username or a brief bio.
- Many sites offer the option to sign up using an existing social media account like Google, Facebook, or Twitter, which can simplify the process.
- After submitting your information, you may receive a verification email. Click the link in this email to verify your account.
- Once your account is verified, log in and complete your profile. Add a profile picture, a brief description, and any other relevant information.
- Look for a button or link labeled “Submit,” “Upload,” or something similar.
- Follow the prompts to upload your infographic. You may need to provide a title, description, tags, and a link back to your website.
- Double-check your submission for accuracy and completeness, then submit it.
Popular Infographic Submission Sites List
Here is a list of popular infographic submission sites where you can share your infographics to increase visibility, drive traffic, and improve SEO:
1. Visual.ly: A well-known platform for sharing and discovering infographics and visual content.
2. Infographic Journal: A site dedicated to showcasing infographics across various topics.
3. Pinterest: A popular social media platform where you can pin and share infographics.
4. Reddit (r/Infographics): A subreddit specifically for sharing and discussing infographics.
5. Infographic Bee: A platform that allows users to submit and browse a wide range of infographics.
6. Daily Infographic: A site that features daily infographics on a variety of subjects.
7. SlideShare: A LinkedIn service for sharing presentations and infographics.
8. Visualizing.org: A community focused on data visualization and infographics.
9. Graphs.net: A platform for sharing infographics and visual data.
10. Submit Infographics: A submission site specifically for infographics across different categories.
11. Infographics Archive: A comprehensive site that features infographics on numerous topics.
12. Cool Infographics: A site that showcases visually appealing and informative infographics.
13. Love Infographics: A community-driven platform for sharing and discovering infographics.
14. Infographic Reviews: A site where you can submit your infographic for review and feedback.
15. Flickr: Although primarily a photo-sharing site, you can create a profile to share infographics.
Other Infographic Submission Sites
Sr.No. | Infographic Submission Sites |
1 | slideshare.net |
2 | facebook.com |
3 | pinterest.com |
4 | mashable.com |
5 | fastcompany.com |
6 | flickr.com |
7 | behance.net |
8 | reddit.com |
9 | dailyinfographic.com |
10 | good.is |
11 | visual.ly |
12 | flowingdata.com |
13 | easel.ly |
14 | designyoutrust.com |
15 | coolinfographics.com |
16 | infographicjournal.com |
17 | graphs.net |
18 | infographicsarchive.com |
19 | elearninginfographics.com |
20 | infographicsshowcase.com |
21 | infographiclist.com |
22 | ilovecharts.tumblr.com |
23 | submitinfographics.com |
24 | nerdgraph.com |
25 | infographicszone.com |
26 | loveinfographics.com |
27 | newsilike.in |
28 | infographixdirectory.com |
29 | cooldailyinfographics.com |
30 | infocarnivore.com |
31 | infographicportal.com |
32 | allinfographics.org |
33 | amazinginfographics.com |
34 | pdviz.com |
35 | infographicpost.com |
36 | onlyinfographic.com |
37 | infographicsonly.com |
38 | infographicplaza.com |
39 | bestinfographics.info |
40 | infographicsposters.com |
41 | infographicdatabase.com |
42 | infographicsking.com |
43 | bestinfographic.co.uk |
44 | ucollectinfographics.com |
45 | infographicsinspiration.com |
46 | infographiclove.com |
47 | infographicas.com |
48 | infographicbee.com |
49 | dailystatistic.com |
50 | topinfographic.com |
51 | pureinfographics.com |
52 | omginfographics.com |
53 | infographicpics.com |
54 | infographic.ca |
55 | infographicreviews.com |
56 | latestinfographics.com |
57 | infographicsubmission.com |
58 | infographic.co.za |
59 | ratemyinfographic.com |
60 | discoverinfographics.com |
61 | shithot.co.uk |
62 | infographicsonline.net |
63 | winfographics.com |
64 | krishnainfographics.com |
65 | galleryr.org |
66 | nfogfx.com |
67 | treegraphic.com |
68 | lkrllc.com |
69 | submitvisuals.com |
70 | infographic.so |
71 | visulattic.com |
72 | infographicexpo.com |
73 | infographicwebsite.com |
74 | infographicden.co.uk |
75 | drive.google.com |
76 | dropbox.com |
77 | issuu.com |
78 | myspace.com |
79 | mediafire.com |
80 | photos.google.com |
81 | scribd.com |
82 | 4shared.com |
83 | mega.nz |
84 | imageshack.us |
85 | boredpanda.com |
86 | pearltrees.com |
87 | diigo.com |
88 | justpaste.it |
89 | 500px.com |
90 | edocr.com |
91 | sharefile.com |
92 | files.fm |
93 | viewbug.com |
94 | pasteboard.co |
95 | socwall.com |
96 | file-upload.com |
97 | cluster.co |
98 | memeful.com |
99 | freeadstime.org |
100 | shutterfly.com |
101 | onedrive.live.com |
102 | tumblr.com |
103 | twitter.com |
104 | nationalgeographic.com |
105 | keep.google.com |
106 | infograph.venngage.com |
107 | plus.google.com |
108 | fotor.com |
109 | giganticlist.com |
110 | findermaster.com |
111 | infographicsdirectory.blogspot.com |
112 | h1ad.com |
113 | wallclassifieds.com |
114 | classifiedsfactor.com |
115 | infogra.me |
116 | articles.h1ad.com |
117 | todayinfographic.com |
118 | 23hq.com |
119 | datagraphie.com |
120 | fotothing.com |
121 | vk.com |
122 | advertiseera.com |
123 | story.wallclassifieds.com |
124 | blog.giganticlist.com |
125 | article.classifiedsfactor.com |
126 | smugmug.com |
127 | soup.io |
128 | evernote.com |
129 | indulgy.com |
130 | fancy.com |
131 | smore.com |
132 | depositfiles.com |
133 | uploadfiles.io |
134 | pexels.com |
135 | dayviews.com |
136 | tinypic.com |
137 | fotolog.com |
138 | info-graphic.co.uk |
139 | dropr.com |
140 | picijo.com |
141 | funkyimg |
142 | sendspace.com |
143 | iheartinfographics.tumblr.com |
144 | fuckyeahinfographics.tumblr.com |
145 | visualkiwi.com |
146 | infographic-police.blogspot.com |
147 | datavisualizations.tumblr.com |
148 | theinfographics.blogspot.com |
149 | infographicsite.com |
150 | infographaholic.tumblr.com |
151 | business2community.com |
152 | infogram.com |
153 | infogr.am |
154 | venngage.com |
155 | vizualize.me |
156 | datavisualization.ch |
157 | xplane.com |
158 | best-infographics.com |
159 | bestinfographics.co |
160 | infographiclabs.com |
161 | infographic-directory.com |
162 | itsinfographics.com |
163 | backgroundremovalservices.com |
164 | clippingpatheye.com |
165 | videoinfographic.com |
166 | infographicsonline.com |
167 | styleandflow.com |
168 | cutewriters.com |
169 | theworldasflatland.net |
170 | visu.al |
171 | 123.hpsetup.online |
172 | airinfographics.com |
173 | infographicheaven.com |
174 | infographicsbin.tumblr.com |
175 | royallogics.com |
176 | shariff.org |
177 | freeinfographicssubmit.wordpress.com |
178 | zmgraphics.com |
179 | infographicsamples.com |
180 | infographick.com |
181 | klevvrtech.com |
182 | starcartridge.com |
183 | blogs.findermaster.com |
184 | article.advertiseera.com |
185 | blog.shopolop.com |
186 | blog.freeadstime.org |
187 | ologames.com |
188 | theblogarena.com |
189 | bloggersroad.com |
190 | howcube.com |
Advantages of Infographic Submission Sites
Infographic submission sites offer several advantages, especially for marketers, content creators, and businesses looking to enhance their online presence. Here are some key benefits:
- Increased Visibility and Reach : Infographic submission sites have large, engaged audiences. By sharing your infographics on these platforms, you can reach a broader audience, attracting more viewers and potential followers to your content.
- Enhanced SEO : Submitting infographics to these sites can significantly boost your SEO efforts. These platforms often allow backlinks to your website, which can improve your site’s domain authority and search engine rankings.
- Traffic Generation : Infographics can drive significant traffic back to your website. When viewers find your infographics valuable and informative, they are more likely to visit your site for more content, increasing your overall traffic.
- Brand Awareness : Regularly posting high-quality infographics on submission sites can help build and strengthen your brand. It positions your brand as an authority in your niche, enhancing credibility and recognition.
- Engagement and Shareability : Infographics are highly shareable due to their visual appeal and ability to present complex information in an easy-to-understand format. This increases the likelihood of your content being shared on social media, further amplifying your reach.
- Content Longevity : Infographics tend to have a longer shelf life compared to other types of content. They can continue to attract views and shares long after their initial publication, providing ongoing value and engagement.
- Diverse Audience : Infographic submission sites attract a diverse range of users from various industries and interests. This diversity can help you tap into new audiences and expand your reach beyond your existing followers.
- Improved User Experience : Infographics simplify complex information, making it more accessible and engaging for users. This improved user experience can lead to higher engagement rates and better retention of information.
- Cost-Effective Marketing : Using infographic submission sites is a cost-effective way to market your content. Most sites offer free submission options, allowing you to leverage their platforms without significant financial investment.
- Networking Opportunities : These sites often foster communities of like-minded individuals. By participating, you can network with other creators, marketers, and industry professionals, opening up opportunities for collaboration and partnerships.
Disadvantages of Infographic Submission Sites
While infographic submission sites offer many advantages, there are also some disadvantages to consider:
- Quality Control Issues : Many infographic submission sites have minimal quality control, which means your high-quality content may be listed alongside lower-quality infographics. This can affect the perceived value of your work.
- Time-Consuming Process : Submitting infographics to multiple sites can be time-consuming. Each site may have different submission requirements, which can add to the workload and reduce the time available for creating new content.
- Duplicate Content : Posting the same infographic on multiple sites may be seen as duplicate content by search engines, potentially affecting your SEO negatively if not managed correctly.
- Limited Customization : Infographic submission sites often have standard templates and formats, limiting your ability to customize the presentation of your infographic to fit your brand’s unique style.
- Dependency on External Platforms : Relying heavily on these sites means you're dependent on external platforms for visibility and traffic. Changes in their policies, algorithms, or even a shutdown can impact your content distribution strategy.
- Possible Copyright Issues : When you submit your infographic to multiple sites, there is a risk of copyright issues, especially if the terms of use are not clearly understood. Your work may be used without proper attribution or even claimed by others.
- Overwhelming Competition : Infographic submission sites can be saturated with content, making it difficult for your infographic to stand out. The sheer volume of submissions can dilute the impact of your work.
- Limited Audience Engagement : While these sites can drive traffic, the engagement might not be as high-quality compared to direct visits to your website or social media channels. Visitors from submission sites may not convert into long-term followers or customers.
- SEO Risks : If not done correctly, using infographic submission sites might harm your SEO efforts. Poorly managed backlinks or associating with low-authority sites can negatively impact your site's search engine ranking.
- Potential for Misuse : Some sites might repurpose or misuse your infographic without permission, leading to issues with brand integrity and the misrepresentation of your content.
- Resource Intensity : Creating high-quality infographics requires significant time, effort, and resources. If the returns from submission sites are minimal, it may not justify the investment.
Types of Infographic Submission Sites
Infographic submission sites can be categorized based on their primary focus and the type of audience they cater to. Here are the main types:
1. General Infographic Submission Sites : These sites accept infographics on a wide range of topics, making them suitable for any industry or subject matter.
Examples: Visual.ly, Infographic Journal, Daily Infographic.
2. Niche-Specific Infographic Submission Sites : These sites focus on specific industries or topics, catering to a targeted audience interested in particular fields.
Examples: Healthline Infographics (health and wellness), Finance Infographics (financial topics).
3. Social Media Platforms : Social media sites with strong visual content components allow users to share infographics with their followers and broader audiences.
Examples: Pinterest, Instagram, Reddit (r/Infographics).
4. Educational Platforms : These platforms focus on educational content, making them ideal for infographics that aim to inform or teach.
Examples: Slideshare, Edugraphic.
5. Data Visualization Communities : Communities dedicated to data visualization and infographics, where users can share and discuss their visual data representations.
Examples: Visualizing.org, Information Is Beautiful.
6. Design and Creative Portfolios : Sites that allow designers and creatives to showcase their work, including infographics, as part of their portfolio.
Examples: Behance, Dribbble.
7. Blog and Content Aggregators : Platforms that aggregate content from various sources, including blogsand visual content like infographics.
Examples: Medium, Scoop.it.
8. News and Media Sites : Some news and media websites have sections dedicated to visual content, including infographics, to enhance their articles and reports.
Examples: The Guardian (Data Blog), New York Times (Graphics).
9. Marketing and SEO Platforms : These sites focus on marketing and SEO, providing tools and platforms for sharing content that can enhance online visibility and engagement.
Examples: HubSpot, Moz.
10. Community Forums and Discussion Boards : Online forums and boards where users can share infographics as part of broader discussions on various topics.
Examples: Quora, Reddit (various subreddits).
1. What are infographic submission sites?
Answer : Infographic submission sites are online platforms where users can upload and share infographics with a broader audience. These sites help increase visibility, drive traffic to your website, and improve SEO through backlinks.
2. How do infographic submission sites benefit my content marketing?
Answer : These sites enhance your content marketing by increasing your content's reach, attracting more viewers, generating backlinks, and driving traffic to your website. They also help in building brand awareness and establishing authority in your niche.
3. Are infographic submission sites free to use?
Answer : Many infographic submission sites offer free submission options, but some may have premium features or services that require payment. It’s important to review each site’s terms to understand what is included in the free versus paid options.
4. What types of infographics can I submit?
Answer : You can submit a wide range of infographics covering various topics, including education, health, finance, technology, marketing, and more. Ensure your infographic is relevant to the site’s audience and meets their submission guidelines.
5. How do I create an account on infographic submission sites?
Answer : Visit the site, find the “Sign Up” or “Register” button, provide the required information (such as name, email, and password), verify your email if necessary, and complete your profile. Once registered, you can start submitting your infographics.
6. What should I include in my infographic submission?
Answer : Include a compelling title, a detailed description, relevant tags, and a backlink to your website. Ensure your infographic is high-quality, informative, and visually appealing to attract more viewers and shares.
7. How do infographic submission sites impact SEO?
Answer : These sites improve SEO by generating backlinks to your website, increasing domain authority, and enhancing search engine rankings. Proper keyword optimization in titles, descriptions, and tags also boosts your content’s visibility in search results.
8. Can I submit the same infographic to multiple sites?
Answer : Yes, you can submit the same infographic to multiple sites. However, be mindful of potential duplicate content issues and try to add unique descriptions or titles for each submission to mitigate this risk.
9. How often should I submit infographics?
Answer : The frequency of submissions depends on your content creation capacity and marketing strategy. Regular submissions can keep your content fresh and maintain audience engagement, but focus on quality over quantity.
10. What are the disadvantages of using infographic submission sites?
Answer : Some disadvantages include potential quality control issues, time-consuming submission processes, competition for visibility, limited customization options, and the risk of copyright misuse. It’s essential to balance these factors with the benefits.
11. How do I track the performance of my submitted infographics?
Answer : Use analytics tools to track metrics such as views, shares, backlinks, and traffic generated from the infographic submission sites. Many sites provide their own analytics, or you can use third-party tools like Google Analytics.
12. Are there any specific guidelines I should follow when submitting infographics?
Answer : Each site has its own submission guidelines, so review them carefully before submitting. Common requirements include specific image dimensions, file size limits, and content quality standards. Adhering to these guidelines ensures your infographic gets approved and featured.
Infographic submission sites are vital tools in digital marketing, offering numerous benefits such as increased visibility, enhanced SEO, and greater audience engagement. By sharing your visual content on these platforms, you can reach a broader audience, drive traffic to your website, and build brand awareness. While there are challenges like quality control and time investment, the advantages far outweigh the drawbacks. By selecting the right sites and adhering to submission guidelines, you can maximize the impact of your infographics. Ultimately, infographic submission sites are essential for effectively communicating complex information and achieving your marketing goals.
SEO Submission Sites
SEO Submission Sites to Boost Your Website Rankings
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